My projects follows a cute light hearted animated version of me. Nicknamed "Mini Dzifah" she enjoys living a simple life of going on walks, driving around town, eating ice cream, dancing, taking pictures and walking her dog. While she appears in a flat simple shaped character through her journey she visits various worlds or settings that visually alter her features. She is seen under 5 different themed settings, based on different types of animation, art and time periods. Her exploration of these variations is meant to represent a mix of styles and design and mix of old and modern times. The first is a sketchbook style. Mini Dzifah appears in grey scale, among black and white outlined scenes. Then she shifts to visit the real world, shown among realistic images. She then jumps into the vibrant world of pop art. Last she takes a trip into the 1950s and 1960s exploring the clothing, locations and designs of those eras. These “selfies” take an inside view of her personal interests and interests visiting worlds outside her own animated one. She also personifies my own interests in a cartoon and symbolic way.
Black and White Sketch

Real World

Pop Art


