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Project 4 Statement: choose your own adventure


For this project I choose focus on my love of art history. I wanted to build a virtual art museum and gallery space. The gallery pulls from different eras of art history. It highlights some of the most famous paintings of each era. The main page serves as a open gallery space, as you click you go in and look at close ups of the paintings. Just as you would walk up to a painting to see a closer view. The twist with this is that some objects of the paintings are highlighted. Clicking on these objects brings you to close up of illustrations that are related to the painting. For example clicking on the fruit in the cezanne painting brings you to an illustration of fruit. Further some of the illustrations are highlighted and lead to other artwork pages. Last, each painting has a number of interesting objects and exploring the various objects will lead to suprise web pages related to the subject matter. The goal with this project is to showcase an alternative view of the items in each artwork, while showing some cool information about the artists and paintings.



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